Dear 2017: Bring It On!

Dear 2017,
Let me first thank your predecessors for the  opportunities they gave me to grow and rise above personal tragedies by following a few principles that they themselves taught me: self-reliance, determination and resilience! 
It has been a pleasure sitting on a permanent roller coaster that you call life although I had specifically indicated to your precursors that I wasn't a fan of thrills and that sudden extreme changeableness makes me nauseous. But it doesn't matter... as they say, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger... And stronger I became... and a bit more cynical too but that's just a side effect I assume. 
Dear 2017, I am not making any resolutions. I am not putting myself on a healthy diet. Chocolate comes from cocoa which is a bean and beans are a good source of proteins, and that's what I will be having. In addition, the only test I scored high on since college is my blood test, so let's take a moment to celebrate that. I know that high cholesterol is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases but so is the stress that you bring my way so spare me your cautionary tales unless you promise to behave! 
I will not start a diet or limit my alcohol consumption. No one likes a skinny sober bitch anyway. I will not exercise, the only muscles that I will probably build are my jaws and the only organ I will train is my brain. I will try working on the heart but that one needs more flexibility than strength. 
Dear 2017, I will not write a bucket list. If there is something I want to do, rather than writing it down, I'll go do it. My family's life expectancy suggests that I shouldn't be  postponing plans... and my Cholesterol levels leave no room for procrastination. 
Dear 2017, I won't set goals either... it is too limiting! Why set realistic goals when it is impossible to predict factors outside of my control that could influence these. And what if my goals were too humble? What if I could achieve more?
Dear 2017, I will not make resolutions, set goals or write a bucket list... but i will promise you this: I will remain positive come what may, I will learn, I will grow, I will thrive, I will be defeated at times but I will transcend, I will keep smiling no matter what... so don't be afraid to bring it on!